We talked a little bit about moving, but then decided against it. We really want to stay in our current home in Toronto. We do, however, know that we are going to need more space to stay eventually. While Sarah and Ashley like sharing a room right now, they are not going to likely want to do that as teenagers.

My husband and I decided that it was time to contact a home renovator in Toronto who could help us add onto our current house. Right now we are thinking of adding on a simple bedroom or adding on a luxurious, customized master bedroom for us. We are not sure which one we will choose yet, and would love some advice on this.

It is difficult finding a home renovator in Toronto. I am not entirely sure how to begin researching it. Does anyone know the best way to start this home renovation that my husband and I want to do?
If you check this website, then surely you can find the best home renovation service that you always wanted.
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