Milk is relatively high in calories but not to an extreme extent. One cup (8 oz.) of 2 percent low-fat milk contains 120 calories and 1 cup of regular milk has 175 calories That puts it on par with 1 cup of orange juice (170 calories), 1 cup of apple juice (200 calories) and 1 cup of low-fat yogurt (200 calories). But milk is also consumed more regularly than juice since it's used in conjunction with food like cereal.

The conclusions reached in their study suggested that calcium and other nutrients in milk cause the body to make less fat and speed up the elimination of fat from the body. Isable Maples, a dietitian for The National Dairy Council, said that, "Our message has always been very conservative--that three servings a day as part of a reduced-calorie diet may help promote weight loss."
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